Choosing Love
“Your task is not to seek for love, merely to seek and find all the barriers
within yourself that you have built against it.”
~ Rumi ~
My Fair Wedding with David Tutera has rapidly has become one of my favorite shows. David has a glorious gift of creating spectacular events and helping people live their dreams in the process. He teaches what it means to honor the highest self and the joy of living fully in the now. He illustrates the significance of creating magical experiences and reveals every moment is a special event when we choose it to be. David is the master of possibility and the dream maker, who goes beyond imagination and breathes life into the spectacular dreams in people’s hearts.
David embracing his unique talent allows him to be his most authentic self while continuing to blossom and grow, blessing others in the process. David being his marvelous self motivates me to see myself and the world more beautifully and, more importantly, to experience myself more honestly and wholly. I have begun asking myself… Am I honoring God/J by living my highest purpose? Am I fully using my gifts and talents? Am I living my dreams? Am I creating beautiful experiences? Am I loving and valuing myself and others? Are abundance, generosity, joy, and Love the foundations for my decisions? Am I choosing fear or Love?
“Fear comes from uncertainty.
Once you clarify your purpose for doing something,
the way to do it becomes clear.”
~ Oprah Winfrey ~
I am beginning to understand the importance, power, and value of being present in the moment. Moments merge time and space into a singular creative, spiritual force that is the essence of change. Birthday. Congratulations. Family. Friend. First. Home. I Love You. New. Surprise. Sympathy. Wedding. Welcome. Moments are the springboard for experiences, growth, and opportunities, the threads that weave the tapestry of our lives. Am I cherishing and honoring or analyzing and critiquing? Am I reacting and surviving or am I creating, intending, responding, and thriving? Joyce Meyer says wisdom is making choices today that one will be glad about tomorrow. What am I choosing for myself in this moment?
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped”
~ Tony Robbins ~
Heath Ledger’s performance in, The Dark Knight still resonates deeply with me. Heath is a brilliant talent extinguished senselessly with seemingly so much talent to be expressed and shared. My heart moved as I began thinking about the idea of “last”, recognizing that each breath is a gift, every action is a choice, and decisions are the building block in one’s “legacy”. I began pondering what is between me and living my dreams? Energy? Money? Motivation? Talent? Time? The list goes on, and every answer has one common denominator. Me. What kind of a life am I creating for myself? What do I believe is possible for me?
“Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue,
and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.”
~ The Wizard of Oz ~
Love, is the most creative, healing, inspiring, powerful, wise force in the universe living inside of every living being. Is my intention giving Love, getting Love, or simply being Love? How often I go into the world seeking Love, forgetting that I am BeLoved. We are seated right in the center of God’s/J’s heart and made in His likeness and image, Love. Babies are created by “making Love”, and every cell within us is Love. How would I show up if I deliberately choose to go into the world seeking to identify and celebrate Love?
“To love another person is to see the face of God.”
~ Victor Hugo ~
What if dreams are a co-created blueprint with God/J instructing me how to be blessed to be a blessing to others? What if everything my heart desires is ready and waiting for me …waiting for me to be ready and willing to receive? What if every dream is at my fingertips and simply a matter of giving myself permission …permission to Love and BeLoved. What if I stopped assessing my own worthiness and started simply being? What if Love is the criteria by which I make every decision? What if I act from a place of joy and self-love, celebrating God/J within myself and others?
“Power is perfected in weakness.”
~ 2 Corinthians 12:9 ~
Love is who we are, and it is also a choice. It’s easy to love people when they are behaving in a lovable way, whether it be ourselves or others. What about our “flaws”? God/J doesn’t see imperfections, and so why do we? Byron Katie suggests the “flaws” we see in others are opportunities to recognize what we most desire to love within ourselves. It suggests, then, by learning to love our whole selves, trusting our soul wisdom, that we are capable of fully loving others. Perhaps this is why Jesus instructed us to love our neighbors as ourselves. What about loving people (including ourselves), who are behaving in an unlovely fashion? What if we began recognizing it as a cry for love and an opportunity to give Love instead of getting Love?
“Love answers all things.”
A very wise coach recently reminded me of the importance of claiming joy and embracing and loving myself the way I wish to be loved by others. David Tutera is teaching me the importance of making each moment sparkle. Rumi is offering me the opportunity to see God is Love and begin opening my heart to receive. I am making more deliberate and intentional decisions and creating empowered thoughts that foster joy and peace. I am scripting my destiny with every action, thought, and word, weaving the tapestry of my legacy one action, one choice, and one experience at a time. I am sharing a page in Dorothy’s book, that “if I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.” I am choosing Love even when it’s not easy and doesn’t make sense. I am choosing Love especially when it requires courage and strength. Fire refines iron, and the raging brook smooths the stone. I desire to Love like God does, to honor people’s free will, to live and let live, to see the starlight in everyone, and to be the Love I wish to see in the world. I choose Love.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
~ Marianne Williamson ~
©2011 Susan Stackpole
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Susan Stackpole, certified creative consultant and results expert, is the #1 coach helping celebrities, VIPs, and You celebrate your inner superstar and manifest destiny. Ignite your potential, jump-start your success, and achieve quick, effect results while living your dreams. Please visit for free resources on living your best life. Sign up for the monthly newsletter, which includes celebrity tips on manifesting destiny in style. Contact Susan to map your destiny today.