Posts Tagged ‘happiness’
The Power of Words
“Words have the power to destroy or heal.
When words are true and kind, they can change the world.”
~ Buddha ~
Words, words everywhere in what you hear, speak, and think …and what you drink?!?
Dr. Masaru Emoto’s book, “Hidden Messages in Water” chronicles the effects of words on water. Dr. Emoto discovered that words affect the formation of water crystals. Beautiful words create elegant, intricate crystals, and unappealing words form unattractive and misshapen crystals. Test it yourself by creating an easy home experiment utilizing cooked rice. (Details on conducting the experiment are included at the end of the video.)
How is Dr. Emoto’s work significant for you? Water defines over seventy percent of the human body, which means everything that is heard, spoken, or thought creates a vibration in water affecting every single cell in the body. How? The human body is a group of atoms vibrating so quickly that it gives the illusion of being a solid mass. Jefferson Lab estimates the average human body is 7*1027 atoms (7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) – that is seven billion billion billion atoms. Wow! Water’s hydrogen atoms form polar bonds to the oxygen atoms to create a web. Huh? Water creates a network that keeps the body’s atoms connected while still allowing them to vibrate in place.
Words are also give great significance in the spiritual realm. Most religions reference, in on form or another, that the power of the word is crucial to the creative process. Christianity notes that God created the heavens and the earth with a word. “God said…”, and it was done. There was no magic wand, no fairy dust, rather simply words that brought all creating into existence. What mighty words! Additionally, the power of the word was bestowed on humans when God created man in His image and likeness, “in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” That includes You, too!
Why are words so powerful?
Has a friend every called you moments after thoughts of him/her popped into your brain? Have you thought about a new car, and suddenly you see it everywhere? Why? Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of “The Thrones of Divinity”, appearing in What the Bleep, states, “Our human brain processes 400 billion bits of information every second; however, we are only aware of about 2000 of those billions of bits of data.” How, then, does the brain determine how to filter the data it receives? Words. Words that are heard, spoken, and thought create receptors, homing beacons, in the brain, which the brain utilizes as a guide to filter information. The brain is a dutiful servant and will focus on what its master tells it to.
How do we choose our words?
The selection criteria for the words we choose to hear, speak, and say is belief. Belief is defined by The Princeton Dictionary as, “any cognitive content held as true”. Notice it carefully distinguishes, “held as true” versus stating “is true”. Beliefs exist solely in the mind requiring validation to exist. and the ego is in charge of collecting information to support the belief system. The ego messages the brain, and the brain creates a filter to collect information to support the beliefs, and, voila! Words. (Please see the upcoming blog, “The Power of Belief” for more information on beliefs).
How can the power of words help for me?
Do you know race car drivers are taught to focus on where they’d like their car to go because it keeps them safe? (Thank You, Tony Robbins, for sharing.) Focus on where you’re going, not where you’ve been or where you are. Both faith and the law of attraction highlight claiming what it is you desire. Why? It keeps your mind focused on where you’d like to be and ultimately determines where you are going. Words create vibrations that attract similar words that attract atoms that group together to eventually form something. The experience your words shape is your choice. Hear, speak, and think only those things you’d like to manifest in your life, and be patient as your thoughts shape your new reality …and enjoy your daydreams in the meantime.
Still skeptical? Okay. Write down a list of ten words – five positive and five negative. Focus on one word for a few minutes. Allow it to roll around in your brain and on your tongue. Think about the meaning that word has for you. Pay attention to how your body responds. Are you breathing deeply or shallowly? Is your posture straight or slouched? Are you smiling or not? Your body is automatically responding to the vibration of the meaning you’ve attached to the word.
What if it seems like nothing is happening?
Research has proven the human brain cannot distinguish between something it has actually seen versus something it has imagined. Images for the brain are incredibly powerful and help determine the words chosen to describe them. It may help to create a clear picture of what you’d like to experience then focus your thoughts on that picture. People sometimes experience resistance when there is a subconscious fear or “worth” issues around receiving. See if you can coax the fear to the surface and shift its focus to what you truly desire because your words will follow. Fear is simply love confused. (I’ll include a helpful tip for this in a future blog). Keep choosing words that affirm abundance, blessing, happiness, health, and wealth in what you hear, speak, and think, and eventually things will shift. Remember, it’s like exercising – you’re likely to see more positive results as things progress.
It’s important to be very clear about the meaning attached to words, specifically that each person attaches individual meaning to words based on their experience. Words’ meanings are the ones the individual chooses to give them. Example: Love is a very powerfully charged word, and most people define love by their first experience of it, which is usually either largely positive or negative. For some it means unconditional acceptance, and they feel nurtured and cherished when someone says, “I love you.” For others, love was wrought with expectation and not measuring up, so they feel insecure and inadequate when someone says, “I love you.” The individual experiences their definition of “love” whenever they hear, speak, or think the word “love”. Be clear about what your words mean by exploring the meaning you attach them, and decide if that’s a meaning you’d like to keep or redefine. Sometimes simply attaching a more positive meaning to a word creates wonderful results.
Can words create world peace?
Research documents people with major medical conditions that defied explanation cured themselves simply by saying aloud several times a day, “I’m getting better and better every day in every way”.
Do you ever wonder if society is being brainwashed by all the negative, fear-based advertising and news in the media? Consider how things would change if media, benefits, concerts, foundations, research centers, walk-a-thons, etc.. began celebrating, honoring, hearing, speaking, and thinking abundance, happiness, health, love, and wealth? What if it was the Susan G. Komen foundation for Breast Health? What if October became Breast Health Awareness month? What if homeless became homebless to focus on them being blessed with homes forthcoming? What if we eradicated the word “victim” and replaced it instead with “champion”? How would the world change if everyone speaks the language of Love?
Please share this message with as many people as possible and join me in starting a global movement of celebrating positive words that inspire, heal, and uplift. Claim your marvelous destiny and what you truly desire – abundance, happiness, health, love, wealth, etc., and you’ll begin to see changes in your life.
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Susan Stackpole, certified creative consultant and results expert, is the #1 coach helping celebrities, VIPs, and You manifest destiny. Ignite your potential, jump-start your success, and achieve quick, effect results while living your dreams. Please visit for free resources on living your best life. Sign up for the monthly newsletter, which includes celebrity tips on manifesting destiny in style. Contact Susan to map your destiny today.
“I’ve got to keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise, and who knows what the tide will bring?”
~ Chuck Noland, Castaway ~
Do you enjoy films? I do. Very much. I especially savor movies that magically transport me to another world entirely. Amazingly, I seem to learn the most about myself in films that are far-removed from my reality, perhaps because my brain relaxes and views life from a broader perspective. The walls disintegrate, and the silly rules behind which I hide to protect myself from the illusion of fear dissolve. I dance gleefully in the garden of possibilities delighting in the luscious trees ripe for harvest. I swim freely in the ocean of peace as sunshine glistens upon me as if to say, “It’s alright.” My dreams transform into glittering stars frolicking upon an infinite ebony canvas basking in the moon’s radiance. I am transported, enthralled, and empowered by the sheer force of the human will’s survival instinct. I am inspired as determination, perseverance, and persistence emanate. My heart, much like The Grinch’s, grows exponentially as Love, once again, is the catalytic for miracles with a dual existence as both a reason to hang on and to let go. I am transported, transformed, and renter my body renewed and refreshed with greater insight into myself and deeper wisdom about life.
“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged
to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.”
~ Nelson Mandela ~
Castaway is the story of Chuck Noland, played by Tom Hanks, who is stranded on a desert island …for years. The story profiles the strength and innovation of the human spirit to keep pressing forward, or as Chuck says, the determination to “keep breathing”. His journey is one of courage, determination, vulnerability, and total self reliance sans modern conveniences and expert input. Chuck’s return to “normal” life is particularly striking as he finds himself lost in places that were once comfortable and familiar. “Home” and “Self” become question marks as he searches within and outside of himself to rediscover and redefine his life.
“Who am I?” “Where is home?” are two questions Castaway offers for viewers to answer for themselves, taking it a step further, inquiring, “Who would you be, and how would you define home if your world was suddenly turned upside down?” Chuck’s character is a metaphor for every person on the planet. Everyone is lost in one sense or another and searching for self and home. All people are wayward travelers plucked from the ether and gifted with the opportunity to experience the journey to self. Self is discovered through the mirrors of relationships infused in every facet of life. Every living being in existence begins with a seed, an individual blueprint, guiding it to grow into unique creation, a watermelon, a tree, an animal, a person, etc.. The primary purpose of life then becomes one of “being” in which on comes to know self .
“Fabulous, Rich, and Homeless” a television show on Planet Green, profiled several prominent, successful, wealthy social figures as they voluntarily became homeless. The arduous experiment revealed surprising results, and the participants almost unanimously cited the issue’s root stems largely from missing identity and no sense of community. It suggests a primary definition of “self” and “home”, even artificial, is crucial in developing the confidence. curiosity, and stability from which to springboard and further explore and expand one’s self-awareness. True freedom is when one recognizes the interconnectedness of all beings, which reveals that one’s sense of self and home are ultimately however one chooses to define them independent of external circumstances.
What if we recognize we are all castaways searching for ourselves on our journey home? What if we encouraged, inspired, and uplifted one another? How would our attitudes and behaviors change if we viewed every person as a cherished friend and trusted travel companion? Would we be more open-minded and understanding toward one another? Would we be more willing to help others? Would Love unite us as one big family by celebrating our diversity as beautiful threads weaving the world’s magnificent tapestry?
I declare myself a “castaway”. I am casting away anxiety, apprehension, doubt, fear, hesitation, and judgment of others and replacing it with adventure, exploration, joy, kindness, and Love. I am casting away living as a human doing and choosing instead to live as a human being. I am releasing preconceived notions of who I think I am supposed to be and instead acting as The Creator’s Beloved. I am nurturing that special seed inside me that “knows” allowing it to grow into what it was destined to be while praising the glorious journey on which it has brought me. I am forgoing shrinking in fear and instead opening my heart in Love as a conduit for manifesting a magnificent masterpiece. I am casting away my yesterdays and tomorrows and celebrating the blessings and miracles in this moment. Here’s to doing less and being more, to knowing “self” and “home” are a choice, and to casting away fear to live in Love.
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Care to use this article for your e-zine or newsletter? Please include the following
Susan Stackpole, certified creative consultant and results expert, is the #1 coach helping celebrities, VIPs, and You manifest destiny. Ignite your potential, jump-start your success, and achieve quick, effect results while living your dreams. Please visit for free resources on living your best life. Sign up for the monthly newsletter, which includes celebrity tips on manifesting destiny in style. Contact Susan to map your destiny today.
Just Say Yes
“Cages or wings, which do you prefer? Ask the birds.
Fear or Love, baby? Don’t say the answer.
Actions speak louder than words.”
~ Jonathan Larson – “Louder Than Words” Tick, Tick …Boom! ~
(click here for video)
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“Doesn’t it all go by in a blink?” ~ William Parrish Meet Joe Black
Life is…Strong. Spontaneous. Purposeful. Precious. Loving. Joyful. Fleeting. Fragile. Beautiful.
It seems yesterday I was a gawky, zealous six year old awkwardly scrambling up trees tracing animal shapes in cottony clouds. Seemingly overnight stars transitioned from wishing vehicles to the methodology by which one determines suitable hotels and restaurants. Carefree days became angst-filled teen years, the precursor to identity-shifting adulthood. Decades evaporated in a blink. Confidence became caution. Playfulness became purpose. Dreams became disappointments. Letting go became holding on. Yes became no.
Children are naturally inclined to say and believe in “Yes”. Yes, I can fly. Yes, let’s play. Yes, let’s pretend. Yes, we are friends. Yes, I will be president. An abandoned refrigerator box becomes a spaceship, a clubhouse, an automobile …a dreammobile. Possibilities are everywhere dripping from the vine of life ripe for the picking. Parents and authority figures say, “You can do and be anything you desire.” That is, of course, until we don our superhero cape crafted from the dining table fine linen as we leap from the second-story window onto the trampoline and into the pool believing we are saving the world in a single bound. We grow into adults and become inundated with rules and restrictions “for our own good”. We censor ourselves to please parents and teachers. We edit ourselves to be more acceptable to friends. We abbreviate ourselves for the workplace. We numb ourselves for relationships. We become alternate versions of ourselves confused by own life choices as we wake up one morning wondering how we got here.
Film has a beautiful ability to transport us outside ourselves offering us the opportunity to witness ourselves more clearly as we identify with colorful characters on the screen. “The Boys Are Back”, is an endearing film in which Clive Owen plays Joe Warr, a widower, raising his son alone. Joe vacillates between licking his own wounds and nurturing his son. The movie speaks to the unpredictability of life, the vulnerability of asking for help, and is a sweet reminder that we are all doing the best we can with who we are and what we’ve got. The vastness and infinite capacity of the human heart to Love intermittently weaves tenderness and truth throughout reminding us that life is a dish best served living passionately and wholly. Colorfully scrawled across Joe’s refrigerator a child’s alphabet magnets spell, “Just Say Yes”. The phrase cleverly referenced from a youthful perspective suggests it is the openness of youth that fully embraces the “Yes, Life” philosophy.
“Just Say Yes.”
Yes is …bursting with possibility, exciting, exhilarating, freeing, invigorating, life-altering, rejuvenating and wonderful.
How easily we become engrossed in the busyness of life convincing ourselves it’s really living. Budgets, errands, housework, obligations, and projects occupy thoughts and create an infinite “to do” list. How quickly our feathers ruffle in petty squabbles with family members, friends, and coworkers. How much we ponder inadequate thoughts of “if”, “then”, and “when”. If it works out, then I’ll be happy. I’ll be happy when… How much time we invest in distracting ourselves from really listening to our hearts. How quickly we abandon our dreams for practical choices that later require us to devise some elaborate escape from our self-crafted birdcage. How willingly we mire ourselves in nonsensical things that in the end amount to little more than distractions. How guilty we feel for indulging in life’s pleasures, in savoring moments, convincing ourselves we should be more …more efficient, more organized, more successful, etc.. We sacrifice adventure and whimsy for the “known” because we’ve convinced ourselves change is somehow unnatural or negative. We become hypnotized by fear, holding on to our illusions about self and the world, nervous about change, pruning and miniaturizing our wings like bonsai trees.
How quickly our priorities shift when there is a perceived loss of some sort. The sudden removal of someone or something from our lives seems to open wide a vast chasm for self-introspection into which we either delve deeper for a closer view or recoil abruptly horrified. Loss is a license to drop the veil, to cast away illusions, to allow ourselves to just be. Powerlessness and mortality are met by divinity us staring squarely in the face, asking, “Now what? Now that you know, what will you choose?” We have the opportunity to choose faith or fear. Faith is claiming our desires, professing our blessings, proclaiming our championship with tangible results to appear only after our leap. Fear magnifies the worst-case scenario with all the grit and gore of a scary movie, rooted in the identity-crisis, “who will I be if this happens?” Fear is only no, and faith is always yes.
Every event offers an opportunity – the opportunity to decide the meaning we will attach to it. The meanings we choose formulate our thoughts, which generate feelings that power actions to form habits and become the character that ultimately determines our legacy. I’ve begun thinking about the legacy I am creating every day and what will remain behind when I am no longer in this physical body. I used to choose based on what I’d hoped others would think of me. Lately, I’ve been asking myself what I’d like the movie of my life to be. How am I investing my time, resources and energy? What type of person am I choosing to be? Am I being a blessing in the world? I’ve moved from reacting to responding and recognizing my opportunity to plant Love seeds every day.
It seems that what goes by in the blink of our life is Love. Love usurps the logical and rational. It mystifies and mesmerizes. It is the stuff of epic novels and love songs. Love is fodder for fantasy and miracles.
Love is… the only legacy.
Just Say Yes.
©2010 Susan Stackpole
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Susan Stackpole, certified creative consultant and results expert, is the #1 coach for celebrities, VIPs, and people serious about getting results and living their best lives. Are you ready to ignite your potential, jump-start your success, and achieve quick, effect results while living your dreams? If so, please visit where you’ll find free resources for living your best life. While you’re there, sign up for the monthly newsletter, which includes celebrity tips for manifesting destiny in style. Contact Susan today for more information on mapping your destiny.